November 03, 2011


  1. That's a heavy montage. Is that a summary of you?

  2. It is a sign of my beliefs. Every once in a while you need to reaffirm your own beliefs in order not to wander astray. Maintaining focus on my core values will allow me to "stay the path". When you have a lot of strong connections in life, to other people, family, friends, and many events, social, work etc. you kind of get carried along. But with a spartan existence you fill up your own world. This collage is me saying, time to go ahead, move one, continue to grow, not give up, suck it up, stay the course, love and be calm.

  3. Calmness is such an amazing virtue. It is definately the one that I aspire to the most. It must be hard to be isolated though. That takes a lot of courage and inner strength. Obviously your core values are what fuel you to manage that.
